Pray for Eurasia - December 2019

“They will celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness.”

Psalm 145:7

South Asia has nearly five times as many unreached people groups (3,436) as any other region of the world. The 153 JESUS Film teams in Eurasia are following the Great Commission — sharing the Good News with as many of these unreached people as possible.


In 22 years of ministry, these teams have made over 20 million Evangelistic Contacts, and over 4.5 million people have accepted Christ into their hearts! God is doing mighty things on the Eurasia Region through the JESUS film.

Praise God!

  • For the equipment that is now in the hands of teams in Guyana, thanks to faithful Harvest Partners from Florida.
  • For the protection and safety JESUS Film teams receive as they show the film, often in areas resistant to the Good News of Jesus!


December 1-7

Prayer Points

  • Praise God — the church in Pakistan continues to grow and thrive, despite intense persecution and other obstacles. Pray for the strength and safety of the JESUS Film teams and new believers as they work to creatively share the gospel message.
  • Over 99% of Pakistanis remain unreached by the gospel. Pray for the teams as they use the film to reach those who have not heard the Good News throughout Pakistan.

“My husband left me and our three sons a few months ago. Our life became very stressful, burdened with financial needs. I saw the many miracles Jesus performed in the JESUS film, so I prayed for a miracle – for my husband to return home. When we returned home from watching the film, my husband was waiting for us! He asked my sons and me for our forgiveness. We are now a happy family, serving Christ together.” —Rashida, 36-years-old

Sri Lanka

December 8-14

Prayer Points

  • Christian presence in Sri Lanka is limited and uneven. Pray God raises up JESUS Film teams throughout this island nation. 
  • Many families’ lives have been uprooted and devastated by 26 years of civil war. Pray for those who are rebuilding their lives to be reached and encouraged by the gospel.
  • Sri Lanka is among the 50 countries where Christians are most persecuted. The 2019 Easter bombings only heightened tensions. Pray for these Sri Lankans to remain strong in their faith and rooted in God’s Word.

Sri Lanka team #2 report: “When we showed the JESUS film in a village, we met Kobinath, who had two wives and three small children. His first wife was blind and could not take care of their children, so he married his sister-in-law. However, his second wife suddenly died. He could not take care of his blind wife and children and did not know what to do. He had no peace in his heart and life. After he watched the JESUS film, he realized the sacrifice Christ made for him on the cross. God replaced the worry in his heart with peace.”


December 15-21

Prayer Points

  • Nepal contains more than 500 miles of the Himalayas. Pray for safe travels for the 10 Nepalese JESUS Film teams who often travel long distances across rough terrain to show the film.
  • Praise God for the 12,944 Nepalese believers who have received initial discipleship follow-up in the past year. Pray for these new Christians to continue boldly sharing their faith with others.
  • With a newer government and constitution, doors of religious freedom are now opening. Pray for the teams’ wisdom and discernment as they embrace this opportunity to share Christ freely throughout Nepal.

Nepal team #3 report: “Brother Ram fled his village to work and marry a woman in India. He later returned home to Nepal with her and their three children. He had to continue working in India to provide for his family. Sadly, his wife left him for another man, leaving their children to fend for themselves in Nepal! Ram immediately returned to take care of his children. During this sad and lonely time for Ram, we arrived to show the JESUS film in his village. By watching the life of Christ, he knew God could give him hope and peace in his life. He has accepted Christ into his heart!”


December 22-31

Prayer Points

  • India ranks tenth among the countries where Christians are most persecuted. Pray for the 45 Indian JESUS Film teams to be safe and have the courage to continue as they show the film in gospel-resistant areas.
  • The caste system causes many Indians to feel alienated and repressed. Pray for people’s hearts to be touched by the inclusive message of grace and love in the JESUS film.
  • Praise God — in the last year, teams in India have planted 559 Preaching Points! Pray for leaders to be found for these new church plants. 

Nyapalek’s testimony: “I was a powerful woman who told people’s fortunes. All I predicted came true. One night in a dream, God told me I was going to burn in fire and I needed to know the living God! I asked Him, ‘How do I meet this Living God?’ He told me I would see very soon. The JESUS film was shown in my neighborhood soon after this dream. I disguised myself with a head covering and attended the showing. When I saw the sacrifice Christ made on the cross, I asked Him to forgive my sins. I told the team members to tell others I would no longer tell fortunes. Everyone praised and thanked God for my new life in Christ.”