Great Lengths - JUNE

Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10 (NIV)

Praise God for the 175 South American teams going to great lengths to share the gospel!

June 1-7

Team Members

Prayer Points

  • Economic hardship abounds in Bolivia, but a poverty of spirit and discipleship intensifies the difficulty of daily life. Pray for teams to reach many lost, lonely, and hurting Bolivians with the hope of the gospel.
  • Many Bolivians attend churches where mixing indigenous religion with Christianity is acceptable. Pray that God will send teams and strengthen believers to combat the schemes of the enemy, so more can know salvation through Christ alone.
  • There is a need for increased discipleship in churches throughout Bolivia. Pray the many oral learners in this country can deepen their understanding of scripture through tools like the audio Bible and Bible Story Cloth.

Catalina’s testimony: “It is beautiful to know everything Jesus did for us. We are happy to be visited, as we often feel isolated from everything in our rural area. The Word is also needed here, so thank you for praying and taking care of those who live far away.”

June 8-14

Team Members

Prayer Points

  • Pray for peace and justice for Colombia, a country that has been ravaged by war, death, and violence for many decades. Pray for a wise and courageous government that will take a hard stance against violence, drug cartels, and corruption.
  • Many Christians in Colombia are taking great risks to share the gospel in some of the most dangerous places for Christians on earth. Working in these hostile areas often results in persecution from armed guerrillas and paramilitary forces. Pray for spiritual and physical protection for the JESUS Film teams who are boldly proclaiming God’s Word in these difficult areas.

Team report: “Marisol lives with her two children in a neighborhood with a lot of drug addiction. She had a rough and bitter temperament when she began attending Preaching Point meetings. We taught her to pray, and the Lord began to transform her character. Now she has a better relationship with her partner and children. She is the first to arrive at meetings and said she now lives more calmly and confident in God.”

June 15-21

Team Members

Prayer Points

  • Praise God for the over 4,000 Paraguayans who made decisions for Christ last year!
  • Teams are planting churches in remote areas and among immigrants and indigenous people. Pray for the gospel to become deeply rooted, and for entire communities to be transformed as God’s love is shared throughout Paraguay.
  • Many children living in poverty must work instead of attending school. Pray for these children — against abuse, and for them to receive a revelation of the fatherhood of God in their lives. Pray also for the strengthening of families.

Team report: “Roberto’s life was filled with alcohol and narcotics before reaching the feet of Christ. He realized his great sin through the JESUS film. Afterward, he felt the Holy Spirit call him to surrender and now feels so much joy. Today, Roberto is a faithful disciple and loves attending Bible studies and prayer meetings.”

June 22-30

Team Members

Prayer Points

  • Praise God for the 178 Preaching Points planted in Brazil in the last year alone!
  • Numerous regions of Brazil still lack an evangelical presence, including many of the 36,000 communities along the Amazon River basin. Pray for the JESUS Film teams to have perseverance and fervor as they reach and share the gospel with these isolated people by boat.
  • Brazil has the second-most COVID deaths and third-most COVID cases in the world. Pray as the country recovers from the impact of this virus, and for the victims’ loved ones to find strength and peace in Christ.

“I have suffered from anxiety and depression since I was a kid. About two months ago, I was invited by a friend to attend a Bible study and prayer meeting. In these meetings, I received a lot of love and care from the other attendees. I confess that I am feeling better! I am amazed at Jesus’ story and His love for me.” —Alan, 25-years-old