Jesùs te ama II Jesus Loves You - March 2020

“They will proclaim my glory among the nations.”

Isaiah 66:19

The 218 JESUS Film teams ministering on the Mesoamerica Region are proclaiming God's glory throughout 10 nations, from large countries like Mexico to the many small islands in the Caribbean.

From the beginning of the ministry, over five million people have heard the gospel of Christ on the Mesoamerica Region, with over 360,000 making a decision to live for Christ. God is doing a mighty work on this region!

Praise God!

  • For the equipment that is now in the hands of teams in Kenya, thanks to faithful Harvest Partners from Indiana.
  • For the faithfulness of those who attended the Lake Placid, FL World Challenge event last month.


March 1-7

Prayer Points

  • Praise God that the current government climate is more open to the gospel than it’s ever been. Pray for wisdom and bold faith as the 17 Cuban JESUS Film teams share the gospel.
  • In the last year, Cuban teams planted 165 Preaching Points. Pray that the leaders of these church plants can receive the training they need to lead their flock.

Lázaro’s testimony: “I lived a very sinful life. I killed a person and was put in prison. After my release, I saw the JESUS film when it was shown in my neighborhood. I realized Christ died on the cross for my many sins. I asked Jesus to forgive me and cleanse my heart. I pray my five-year-old daughter sees my new life in Christ and accepts Him into her heart at a young age.”


March 8-14

Prayer Points

  • The 20 Panamanian JESUS Film teams request prayer for spiritual and physical strength as they show the film.
  • Pray for crime to not touch the teams and for God to provide energy for them to reach people in urban and remote areas.
  • Through teams’ evangelism, 884 Panamanians chose Christ in the last year. Pray for these new believers to grow in their faith and share the Good News with their family and friends.


Migdalia’s testimony: “I was distraught when I saw the JESUS film. A judge had removed my children from our home and sent them to live with their father. After the film, I went forward for prayer, pouring my heart out to God for myself and my children. The next day, the judge reversed his decision because our children were crying to be returned to me. I praise God for His hand upon our situation.”


March 15-21

Prayer Points

  • Praise God ⁠— 63 passionate teams serve in Haiti ⁠— more than any other country!
  • Many Haitians follow and participate in Voodoo. Pray these people will discover the true power of Christ through the JESUS film.
  • Over 40% of Haitians do not read. Pray JESUS Film teams can reach them and communicate the Good News through orality tools.


Pierre’s testimony: “I was the only survivor in a tragic accident where 16 people died. I saw the JESUS film and knew I needed Christ in my life! I realized God has a special plan for my life. He forgave my sins and cleansed my heart. I will live the rest of my life for God.”


March 22-31

Prayer Points

  • The 33 Mexican JESUS Film teams request prayer that they can preach with courage and boldness as they share the gospel throughout their country.
  • The teams also request prayer for sufficient transportation and funds to nourish and grow new church plants.
  • Many Mexicans struggle with violence, drugs, and alcohol addictions. Pray the Holy Spirit will transform many hearts and lives.


Pacheco’s testimony: “My husband and I struggled a lot because we were unable to find work. Our three children couldn’t attend school because we had no money for their school fees. I shared our difficulties with my cousin and she invited me to attend a JESUS film showing. After the film, I asked for prayer for God’s help with our situation. During the pastor’s prayer, I gave my heart to God and asked Him to forgive my sins. My family and I now attend the Preaching Point in our neighborhood.”