6,500 Heart Languages - October 2020

“There before me was a great multitude that no one could count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language,
standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”

Revelation 7:9a (NIV)

There are over 6,500 living languages in the world.

Christ’s sacrifice on the cross made salvation possible for all tribes, tongues, and nations.

JESUS Film teams seek to reach every person with this Good News. To date, more than 17 million people have accepted Christ through this ministry. More than 3.22 billion people have yet to be reached. Will you pray with us this month for a mighty eternal harvest?

Praise God!

  • For the availability of the JESUS film in more than 1,800 languages — and counting! May God continue to work through this powerful evangelistic tool to touch many hearts..


October 1-7

Prayer Points

  • The 23 JESUS Film teams working in Brazil request prayer that they may function as a channel of God’s grace to the unreached.
  • There are many churches in Brazil, yet teams report most do not live out their faith or understand the true gospel. Pray teams help these people discover the value of closely following Christ. 

Josiane’s testimony: “I have been attending discipleship meetings. Four months ago, I was diagnosed with a stomach tumor. I had major surgery to remove it because they suspected it was malignant. The fellowship and encouragement of my small group helped me find confidence in Christ to go on with my life, despite any diagnosis. I praise God — the biopsy reported the tumor is benign.”


October 8-14

Prayer Points

  • The five JESUS Film teams in Liberia request prayer for God’s presence and provisions, especially in the areas of equipment and transportation.
  • Teams are working in areas where people enjoy hearing God’s Word, but are slow and hesitant to commit to Christ. Pray for spiritual breakthroughs in these communities.
  • Praise God — in the last year, teams in Liberia made an average of 1,246 evangelistic contacts each month!

Peter’s testimony: “Since birth, I have been trained in the customs and traditions of our people. I wanted nothing to do with God – I believed He was only for Westerners. When the JESUS Film team arrived in my village, I felt hatred toward them for telling me about their faith. I didn’t leave my house when they showed the film for two nights, but I heard their teaching and my heart was stirred. I decided to give my life to Christ, denouncing all other altars and gods that I once believed in.”

Burkina Faso

October 15-21

Prayer Points

  • Over 5.1 million people remain unreached by the gospel in Burkina Faso. Pray the 12 teams serving there will have strength and success as they bear witness to how Christ makes a difference.
  • Burkina Faso is one of the world’s poorest countries, with nearly half of the 17 million residents living below the poverty line. Pray they discover the love and hope of Christ.
  • Due to the cultural reliance on oral history and storytelling, there are great opportunities to be seized. Pray teams can use orality tools and Bible stories to reach their neighbors.

Sini’s testimony: “I come from a family who worships idols and nature, and am married to a man who follows a radical religion. Tonight I heard of Jesus for the first time in my life. Through the film, I learned so much about the character of Jesus. I owe Him my whole life and will serve Him always.”


October 22-31

Prayer Points

  • Many Congolese hold a superficial belief in basic Christian ideas combined with animistic rituals and idols. Pray for the three Congo JESUS Film teams to help people learn a pure gospel.
  • Praise God for the 16 new Preaching Points planted in the Congo last year! Pray God provides Bible-believing pastors to disciple these congregations.
  • Pray for long-term stability in which JESUS Film teams can build strong ministry and leadership.

New Congolese believer: “I have been an orphan for many years. I felt abandoned by the world. Today, I had the opportunity to watch the JESUS film, and understood I have a Father who loves me. I am now part of the family of the living God!”