Romans 12:6-8 (NIV)
Dear Friends & Partners,
They eat with their right hand!
Their food smells and tastes different!
Their clothes look unusual to our eyes. Even their restroom facilities are strange to the Western world! These cultural differences exist but do not separate us.
The uniting factor in all humans is a deep soul hunger. Not knowing how to address this need:
The saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is the only way to satisfy soul hunger. JESUS Film teams around the world are working, even now, to tell people about the Savior. Filling the need in hearts most people do not know how to name. Cultural barriers do not exist for these teams because they are workers called to share about Jesus in their own culture, country, and language. The following testimonies from last month’s team reports exemplify this:
South Asia team leader: “We showed the JESUS film in a new village. People watched it with immense eagerness. Afterward, we sat together and prayed. One viewer said, ‘I saw Jesus do many miracles, does He know magic?’ We face these kinds of questions frequently. I told him, ‘Jesus is the Son of God. He can do all things by His Father’s supreme power.’ The viewer added, ‘I have always followed the priests in my religion who adore many gods, but I’ve never understood the meaning behind these rituals. However, I now see the ways of Jesus are the right ways.’ We rejoice that we were able to form a Preaching Point in this village!”
Benin team report: “Adjagan is a 78-year-old farmer who lives in a remote village. His village is in an enclave on a mountain that is very difficult to reach. However, our team was resolved to go there. Adjagan fathered many children with different women. After watching the JESUS film, he revealed he had worshipped their ancestors and loved fetishes for many years. But today, he asked God for forgiveness and regrets having heard of God so late. He burned all his fetishes and promised the rest of His life to God. Adjagan even gave us a flat space to build a new church!”
Over 15.7 million viewers of the film, like Adjagan and the villagers in South Asia, have delighted in coming to know their Savior who speaks to them in their heart language and culture, just as they are!
As brothers and sisters in Christ, our role is to come alongside JESUS Film teams as partners — providing a steadying hand when the path is difficult, seeking to ease their efforts with better and more effective resources, sharing in their journey with prayer, celebrating their successes, and mourning with them in loss.
Diane Robbins
Missionary to South Asia
spread the Good News across cultures and nations!
JESUS Film Harvest Partners (JFHP) is a Kingdom-building ministry devoted to world evangelism through the JESUS film and other tools. JFHP equips and supports JESUS Film Teams of local people to do evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
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