May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
2 Corinthians 13:14 (NIV)
Prayer Points:
Costa Rica teams request prayer for “God to renew our strength, give us wisdom, encouragement, and unity. May God give us spiritual discernment and a great harvest.”
This year, teams are sharing the Good News with many Costa Ricans who have limited education and resources. Pray these people’s spiritual needs can be met and uplifted by the hope of the gospel. Also, pray that teams can help them meet their physical needs.
Praise God for this wonderful report from team #11: “We have seen the hand of God touching hearts and healing. Five entire families committed their lives to Christ, and are now serving on several JESUS Film teams. In each presentation, at least one person was converted!”
Prayer Points:
Haiti’s situation is so dire that many churches cannot meet. People are afraid to travel outside of their town or village. Pray that Christians would be dynamic beacons of God’s peace and love in their tumultuous country.
Prayer Points:
Prayer Points:
Teams request prayer for God to provide everything necessary for the spiritual follow-up of new believers.
Secularization is on the rise in Panama. Pray that all believers would stand strong and fearless for the gospel message — now more than ever. Pray that God raises up passionate men and women who desire to see the Kingdom advanced.
JESUS Film Harvest Partners (JFHP) is a Kingdom-building ministry devoted to world evangelism through the JESUS film and other tools. JFHP equips and supports JESUS Film Teams of local people to do evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
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