Matthew 18:20 (NIV)
Dear Friends & Partners,
Amir had no idea how much his life was about to change when the Nepal JESUS Film team arrived at his village…
“Amir had followed Christ for many years, but said his life had been very difficult since his conversion. He had always been alone in his belief. On top of not having Christian fellowship, he was frequently shamed by villagers who worshipped many gods. Some even petitioned to revoke Amir’s use of the village well.
However, throughout these difficulties, he remained firm in following his Lord and Savior, Jesus.
Amir was overjoyed when he learned our team had brought the JESUS film to show in his village. He went door-to-door inviting villagers and more than 100 people came to the showing! Some villagers discussed disrupting the film but changed their minds when they saw how many were genuinely interested.
The viewers carefully watched the film and seemed to clearly understand it. After the film, three people offered their lives to Jesus. Amir cried tears of joy that his prayer had been answered.
Now he has a family in Christ to fellowship with! He begged our team not to leave that night so we could all attend a party he threw with the three new believers. We sang hymns and danced. The night was so joyous and unforgettable.”
Cherished friends and partners, rejoice with us…God is on the move!
The Nepal team who reached out to Amir and the three new believers wants you to know they praise God for all those who pray and support this ministry.
When you pray, give, and go, you are building His Kingdom and encouraging believers around the world.
You are loved.
Brian Helstrom
Executive Director
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Your gifts allow teams to bring the Good News
to more communities just like Amir’s!
JESUS Film Harvest Partners (JFHP) is a Kingdom-building ministry devoted to world evangelism through the JESUS film and other tools. JFHP equips and supports JESUS Film Teams of local people to do evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
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