How the Lord's Prayer helps us reach the lost

A missional perspective of The Lord’s Prayer:

(Matthew 6:9-13)

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”




Dear Friends & Partners,

We pray The Lord’s Prayer all the time, but have you ever thought
how these powerful words are foundational to how we reach the lost?


The prayer Jesus taught us begins with acknowledging the holiness of God.

Through JESUS film and orality tools, teams around the world teach people about our Father, God, and the power of speaking His mighty name.


We then are called to align our will with God’s.

The only way we are able to reach each person who makes a decision for Christ is humbly, but boldly going before the throne of God in prayer. We believe the Kingdom of God can be built here and now, from Argentina to Zambia, just as it is in Heaven.

Jesus shows us we can request Him to provide for our needs today

The challenges we face when making disciples of all nations and to the ends of the Earth, from physical to spiritual opposition, are constantly changing and growing. However, God’s mercies are new each and every morning. Each of the over 7 billion people living today has a name and story, so we can faithfully seek the next lost person with all He provides us.


This leads us to acknowledge our humanity.

Evangelism isn’t about sharing the gospel perfectly. We can extend and show God’s grace to others because He extends it to us!


Finally, we affirm God’s protection and redeeming plan for the world.

When we pray this prayer, we commit ourselves to be part of God’s answer. Jacob, a team member in South Asia, said “Join with us in praising the Lord for all He’s done through the ministry. Prayer allows us to continue to spread the Good News to our neighbors.” 


God truly hears our prayers.

Thank you for the role you are taking in helping more people hear about the sweet name of Jesus. May your prayers be richer, deeper, and more revealing of our greater purpose in His Kingdom.

You are loved.

Brian Helstrom
Executive Director


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