What Love Really Means - February 2020

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.”

John 3:16a

JESUS film allows people to see God's relational and sacrificial love for us. Watching the life of Christ often floods a viewer's soul with the reality of His sacred love.

Today, 847 JESUS Film teams are sharing this Good News with their neighbors in 57 countries! Over 16.5 million people now live for Christ and are a witness to their family and friends of God’s love for them.

Praise God!

  • For JFHP’s collaboration with Harvest Partners and ministries around the world who make this ministry possible and efficient. You are loved!
  • For the equipment that is now in the hands of teams in South Africa, thanks to faithful Harvest Partners from Arkansas.
  • For the faithfulness of those who attended the Phoenix, AZ World Challenge event last week. For the equipment that is now in the hands of teams in Cuba, thanks to faithful Harvest Partners from California, Oregon, Virginia, and Washington


February 1-7

Prayer Points

  • The two Cameroon JESUS Film teams request prayer as they begin the ministry of showing the film and starting Preaching Points in their country.
  • Pray for the leaders of the Preaching Points to receive the biblical training needed to lead their people to a strong faith in God.
  • Pray for the teams as they show the film in the thirty available languages spoken in Cameroon.

Cameroon team report: “We are just beginning to plant churches in Cameroon, but are doing so with a solid and determined vision. Many villagers appreciated hearing Christ speak in their language for the first time. Some people burst into tears during the JESUS film showing. It was a wonderful moment. People who are well-known in the village gave their lives to God!”


February 8-14

Prayer Points

  • The six JESUS Film teams in Honduras request prayer for safety and wisdom as they share the gospel across the second-largest nation in Central America.
  • Praise God ⁠— teams in Honduras presented the gospel over 112 times last year. Pray the gospel seeds planted at these showings will take root in people’s hearts. 
  • More than half of Honduras’ population are children. Many children are orphaned and unwanted, living on the streets. Pray for the teams to reach these needy children with the comforting love of Christ. 

“I was an alcoholic and used drugs, causing my wife and children to leave me. I was alone and had no hope. One day, Brother Manuel came to my home and shared Jesus’ story and plan for my life using the EvangeCube. He then invited me to watch the JESUS film. I saw how much God loved me when Jesus died on the cross for my sins! I asked Jesus to forgive me and cleanse my heart. I now have new life in Christ.” ⁠—Amilcar, 60-years-old

Cote D'ivoire

February 15-21

Prayer Points

  • More than 8.5 million people in Cote d’Ivoire remain unreached. The 22 JESUS Film teams ministering in this coastal country request prayer to reach those whose hearts have been hardened to the gospel.
  • Pray for peace in Cote d’Ivoire so the teams can safely travel from village to village to show the film.
  • Pray for the 275 Preaching Points planted in the last year to grow strong and multiply so others can hear Christ’s message..

Beugré’s testimony: “My boyfriend would not marry me, so I became part of his concubine. I was very hurt by his decision, which made me depressed. When my husband died seven years ago, I was rejected by his other wives. I was recently invited to watch the JESUS film. When I saw the compassion Jesus had for women, I knew I needed Him in my life. I asked Him to forgive my sins. I am now happy and surrounded by others in our discipleship classes.”


February 22-29

Prayer Points

  • 78% of the 37 people groups in Niger have yet to be reached with the Good News. Pray the nine JESUS Film teams in Niger can convey the spiritual freedom found in Christ, which quenches the thirst of the lost, lonely, and hurting people.
  • Many communities in Niger are troubled and experiencing unrest. Pray for the teams as they share God’s message as the answer to the areas’ problems
  • Pray for oral methods of sharing the gospel to spread quickly amongst the 81% of Nigerien who are oral learners.

“I worshipped our ancestors, regularly participating in rituals where babies were sacrificed to protect people’s souls. When the JESUS film was shown in our village, Christ became a light in the darkness! We are now sharing our newfound faith in Christ with our friends and neighbors. Christ can make a difference in their lives, just like He has in ours.” ⁠—Tango, 30-years-old