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A Faith Unshaken

Zambia team #11 Update

Despite the obstacles they face in their diverse and sometimes challenging environment, Zambia Team #11 remains steadfast in their mission to spread the gospel.


Team leader Morris recently shared about the work the team is accomplishing, the obstacles they’ve encountered, and how you can join them in prayer and support.


Zambia is home to a majority Christian population. However, it is a country where other religious beliefs flourish, including some that are antagonistic towards Christians.


“We call Zambia a Christian nation, but this does not mean all citizens are Christians,” Morris shared. “People are generally familiar with Christianity, but not all are committed followers.”


Perhaps the most difficult challenge is changing the minds and hearts of those resistant to the gospel. Morris shared a recent story when they sought permission from a village headman to show the JESUS film.


“The headman rejected us, asking questions like, ‘Who is the father of this film? Are you satanists? Why show JESUS in a language other than English?’ It took a lot of persistence and patience, but eventually, he agreed to let us show the film for two days instead of our scheduled six.”


What followed was a breakthrough. The headman became supportive, and the local school later opened its doors to the ministry.


“Three teachers were converted, and that’s how the church was planted there.”


Despite these obstacles, Zambia Team #11 remains focused on their mission. The key to their perseverance is a deep commitment to the gospel and the power of the Word of God.


“We have faced extreme challenges, but we remain resolute by focusing on Jesus Christ,” Morris said. “When hard-hearted leaders resist, we use the Bible, and we explain the message through tools like EvangeCubes. And sometimes, after confrontation, those same leaders become part of the mission and testify to how they once rejected us but later accepted Jesus as their Savior.”


However, there is still much to be done.


“Western Province is vast, and many towns remain unreached,” Morris noted. “We have only planted churches in a couple of villages, but the need for evangelism is great across the region.”


Morris concluded with a hopeful outlook: “We are committed to fulfilling Christ’s mission, no matter the difficulty. Our team sacrifices greatly, but we know that every effort is worth it in the pursuit of reaching souls for Christ.”

Partner with the Field: To give support to teams like Zambia Team #11, or any of the other 1,117 teams around the world, visit JFHP.org/Spring