Will you pray with us this July?

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”Philippians 1:6 (ESV)
July – Week 1
Prayer Points
- Teams request prayer for perseverance as they continue to overcome physical and spiritual obstacles in order to share the gospel.
- Central America is experiencing high temperatures and low rainfall, resulting in wildfires and drought all across Honduras. Pray for safety and guidance for the teams through this time.
- Pray for an end to extreme poverty, homelessness, gang involvement, and drug addiction among children in urban areas.
- Pray for a government who turns away from corruption and seeks wisdom and justice to provide for all its people.
July – Week 2
Prayer Points
- Teams in southern Mali request prayer for safety and courage as they share Jesus in a land which is heavily controlled by radical religious groups.
- Pray for an end to extremist military activities that cause poverty, mass evacuations, lack of education, and the deaths of innocent civilians.
- Pray for stability in the Malian government, that God’s hand will guide the political leaders to cease conflict and create lasting leadership.
I accepted the invitation to a JESUS film showing and listened to the Word of God. I was shocked when they said that I am valuable to God and that each person has different purposes in life. I have talents and gifts, and at my young age it is important to be able to serve God and He will lead my life in His purpose for me.
— Samuel, Guatemala
July – Week 3
Prayer Points
- Guatemala Team #51 reported that the people they shared the gospel with are open and understanding to it. Pray that God continues to open doors to both hearts and homes so that JESUS Film Teams can evangelize and share the hope of the gospel.
- Pray for the leadership of the churches, that they may commit themselves to true humility and discipleship rooted in the truths of the Bible.
- Teams request prayer for the children on the streets of urban areas and that they may be protected from the violence and high crime rate.
July – Week 4
Prayer Points
- Teams request prayer for God’s provision through rain and healthy crops during the dry season.
- Pray for the safety of the teams as the number of violent radical religious groups increase, making it harder to share about Jesus.
- Pray that the nation’s leaders will be wise and just as they strive to protect the lives and freedoms of their people from radical forces.
Thank you for continuing to pray for the 1,166 JESUS Film Teams! How can we pray for you? Share your needs here