Will you pray with us this October?

JFHP Prayer Partner Update - October
“And He said to all, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.’”
Luke 9:23-24
Persecuted Nations

October - Week 1

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God transforms the hearts and lives of government leaders of persecuted nations. Pray that laws designed to restrict evangelism, church planting, and Christians’ freedom will not be approved.
  • Pray that persecuted JESUS Film Teams will understand who they are in Christ and be unashamed of the Gospel. Pray for the light of Christ to shine brightly through them and for many, including their persecutors, will come know to Him as their Savior.
Country of Pakistan

October - Week 2

Prayer Points

  • Pray for the protection of JESUS Film Teams from destructive flooding and other natural disasters. Pray for God’s hand over the people of Pakistan as they experience displacement and ruined harvests.
  • Pray for the influence of religious extremism and terrorism to be demolished and rendered powerless.
  • Pray that Pakistani Christians turn away from corruption, immorality, and low spiritual standards. Ask that God raise up humble and committed church leaders.
We were able to show the JESUS film in a new village. At the end of the film, a man named K came to us and told us about his severe back pain. We prayed healing over him and read him passages from the Bible about Jesus’ healing power. We returned after that village a few days later, and K told us that he was healed! Hearing about this miracle, many in that village believed in Jesus and expressed their desire to receive Him. Pray for a church to be established in that village.

— Testimony from Bangladesh team #14
Country of Bangladesh

October - Week 3

Prayer Points

  • Pray that the hearts of unreached people will be opened and accepting to the Good News of Jesus.
  • Many Christian leaders are limited by poverty, resulting in lessened spiritual education. Pray that church leaders seek wisdom and spiritual maturity as they grow healthy disciples.
  • Pray for believers who suffer increasing persecution from a nation hostile to Christianity.
Country of Nepal

October - Week 4

Prayer Points

  • A common misconception in Nepal is that Christianity is a foreign, Western religion. Pray for Christians in Nepal who seek to show Jesus’ love and build a Christian identity in the country.
  • Pray for JESUS Film Teams to be spiritually well-equipped as they evangelize to people in the hardest-to-reach areas.
  • Pray for the safety of Christians who face persecution from their country, communities, or even families. Pray for legal and religious restrictions on Christianity to be lifted.

Thank you for continuing to pray for the 1,166 JESUS Film teams!
How can we pray for you?  Share your needs here