Will you pray with us this September?

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see
your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16

September - Week 1

Prayer Points

  • Pray for the hearts of those who claim to be Christian but do not live in a Christ-like way to be transformed by the power of the gospel.
  • Teams request prayer support as they mentor new churches and Preaching Points so that believers remain steadfast and secure in Jesus.
  • Pray for continued peace and stability in the Ghanan government and that the nation’s leaders seek guidance and wisdom from God.

September - Week 2

Prayer Points

  • Pray that JESUS Film Teams overcome geographical challenges and language barriers as they share the gospel with indigenous populations.
  • Pray for peace and justice over the nation’s leaders as the country faces difficult social issues and political decisions.
  • Pray the Lord raises up faithful leaders to share the gospel and bring their communities closer in unity with Christ.
My name is Ibrahim. After my mother died, my life was falling apart. I dropped out of school and fell into smoking and alcohol. I was invited to see the JESUS film by my friend who is a pastor. As I watched the film, I realized that my life was on the wrong path and I needed God to save me. During the altar call, I stepped out and confessed my sins and asked Jesus to save me. From that moment, my life changed. Please keep me in your prayers so that I will continue to walk with the Lord and not go back to my old way of life.

— Testimony from Sierra Leone Team #3

September - Week 3

Prayer Points

  • Teams request prayer for safety and protection as they travel from place to place to show the JESUS film.
  • Pray for true stability, sustained peace, and a decisive end to corruption in the government.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower believers who are committed to ministries of healing and reconciliation for those who have suffered atrocities.

September - Week 4

Prayer Points

  • Pray for security and peace during this time of high political and military tension with other countries.
  • Pray for Christians to stand firm in their faith in the face of increasing persecution, oppression, and violence as they share Jesus with populations hostile to Christianity.
  • Teams request prayers of God’s protection over them from the growing influence of extremist religious groups.


Thank you for continuing to pray for the 1,166 JESUS Film Teams!
How can we pray for you?  Share your needs here


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