Sixteen-year-old Michael in Liberia has extraordinary gifts of influencing and empowering not only children, but peers and people far older than him.
He sees the children’s ministry as his heartbeat. He sees vulnerable children and the need to teach them and help them grow in Christ. Many people overlook or limit children, but not Michael.
He has a great influence on the church, often sharing his experiences and testimonies in district gatherings to influence church members to be passionate about children’s ministry. This passion led Michael to join his brothers on a mission trip with the JESUS Film equipment to a new area far from home on the weekend of November 18-21, 2021. He was eager to minister to unreached children.
Michael wrote down the names of children who gathered at the altar call and prayed with them. The next day, he invited them to a follow-up discipleship class, where they were successfully discipled. Twenty-one youths showed up and were taught the Articles of Faith. Michael also taught them songs and recited Bible stories.
While returning home that afternoon, the team had a terrible motorbike accident in which Michael badly broke both of his legs.
All three team members were taken to the hospital and treated, but Michael’s condition was bad. Doctors even suggested amputating his foot. However, in a desperate attempt to avoid amputation, he was taken to a different town to see an herbal bone specialist.
Even though he was in pain, he started ministering to those who were treating him.
Michael operated the JESUS Film equipment that he requested the team leave with him. He placed the speakers in the attic window, entertaining the community with gospel songs, recorded sermons, and orality stories. From the confines of his hospital bed, he was able to witness to many visitors and other people he met. Six people initially came to Christ through his creative evangelism.
Still unable to move, Michael discipled the first three converts and trained them how to use the JESUS Film equipment. The three new believers went to the center of the town and projected the JESUS film. Sixteen people made decisions for Christ, including seven children.
Each time the other members of Liberia team #5 visited Michael in the hospital, they discipled the new believers. This Preaching Point continued to grow, and after six months, a church was organized with over 22 members. At Michael’s request, they named the new church, “Overcomers Church of the Nazarene.” This new church felt burdened for its neighboring communities to also discover the saving power of Jesus Christ. They started showing the JESUS film and sharing the gospel in these communities, ultimately planting Preaching Points in two more villages.
While still in the hospital, Michael met a gang leader named Bishop, who had suffered two broken legs while attempting a robbery.
Michael said, “I saw videos on Bishop’s phone of him giving instructions to gang members, and many terrible things, including the mistreatment of women. People in the village warned me to stay away from Bishop because he was dangerous. But my mind had a different idea. He was lonely and no one really hung around him, so I befriended him.”
“I walked on my crutches to share food with him. I noticed that his gang was the one who robbed my brother Fred and took away his money, passport, and other belongings. It was painful, but I began to pray for him, teach him about Jesus, and invite him to church. It was difficult at first, but as I continued praying for Bishop, he realized his condition needed the help of Jesus Christ. He went with me to church for the first time in his life and gave his life to Christ. Since then, he and I began to fellowship together.”
Michael testified, “God helped change my pain and setbacks to Godly gains. From my pain, multiple gains have been realized, including three church plants, and a gang leader saved.”
JESUS Film Harvest Partners (JFHP) is a Kingdom-building ministry devoted to world evangelism through the JESUS film and other tools. JFHP equips and supports JESUS Film Teams of local people to do evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
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