Category Uncategorized

28 Feb

March Prayer Partner Update

Will you pray with us this March? “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the nameof the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”Mathew 28:19 (NIV) March – Week 1 Prayer Points Christianity is the largest religion in Ethiopia, but the country is surrounded by groups and other […]


24 Feb

Your Partnership Brings Change

your partnership brings change Testimonies of Transformation Every day, JESUS Film Teams around the world share the hope of Christ with countless people, many of whom have never heard the name of Jesus before. Despite challenges and obstacles, your faithful support allows teams to remain steadfast in their mission to reach the lost. Your gifts […]


24 Feb

A Faith Unshaken

A Faith Unshaken Zambia team #11 Update Despite the obstacles they face in their diverse and sometimes challenging environment, Zambia Team #11 remains steadfast in their mission to spread the gospel.   Team leader Morris recently shared about the work the team is accomplishing, the obstacles they’ve encountered, and how you can join them in […]


24 Feb

Forging Partnerships

Forging Partnerships How You can get involved with jfhp The word “partnership” is defined as two individuals uniting for a shared purpose. JFHP’s purpose is to support JESUS Film Teams as they spread the gospel across the globe, reaching areas where the name of Jesus may be unknown. But what does this mean for someone […]


28 Dec

January Prayer Partner Update

Will you pray with us this January? “The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.”Psalm 29:11 (NIV) January – Week 1 Prayer Points In some areas, believers build churches from handmade clay bricks and grass roofs. Pray the Lord opens doors to provisions for better resources like iron roofing […]


20 Nov

Protected: New Life in Jesus

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